I recently came across an article shared by a friend of mine on facebook. The article is by a gentleman by the name of Norman Horn. I don't claim any knowledge about this author more than what is written in this article by him. But after reading it this was my gut reaction to his discourse.
Here is the link to his Article.
Norman invites you to comment on this article at LibertarianChristians.com.
I find it amusing that he claims his motives are purely apolitical whilst propagating his agenda through a politicized website. Unfortunately he discredits himself and shows himself to be a wolf in sheep's clothing by posting this where all of his libertarian friends will see it encouraging them to change the hearts and minds to a political viewpoint closer to his own. He claims in the article that it is not a political issue but recognizes that at face value his position is completely political. His article unfortunately comes off as nothing more than a DIY Libertarian propaganda "tract" if you will. He seems to be attempting to sell Libertarianism as a more morally Judeo-Christian ethical political viewpoint. Unfortunately Mr. Horn misses the point. I agree that we should pray for our enemies and for our leaders and especially for our brothers and sisters in Christ. However, he uses terms like "US invasion" a buzzword used to initiate a particular emotion in those who are supporters of the efforts in the Middle East, and "indiscriminate warfare" and "indiscriminate killing". All in effort to show some kind of immoral injustice being propagated by the American Government and the incompetence of the American military.
Also his statement, "..this war – which is now the longest prolonged conflict in American history – ..." is tossed out there without any basis in fact at all. The Vietnam War lasted for 10 years from 65 to 75. But either way it doesn't matter. WWI and WWII and The Revolutionary war are all contenders for the longest conflicts in US History. Again none of this even matters. The length of time is of no added consequence to the calamities that come to those, whom, when the nations of this world make war with each other, suffer. But either way, his claims to keep the issue completely apolitical, when put in context with his overly political nature, unfortunately, proves to be too much for this reader to accept.
As I stated above. I believe with the proper Kingdom mindset the issue can be more easily addressed without having to unnecessarily criminalize a government or unduelly ruffle the feathers of our more politically minded brothers and sisters.
Jesus taught us to pray for our enemies and bless those who persecute us. Turn the other cheek, and pray for our leaders and for those who are suffering in this world especially for persecuted Christians. All these points can be made without even entering into a discussion about the political nature of the current world events. It should be no surprise to us that this world has once again shot itself in the foot. It happens in every generation. Sometimes multiple times. Jesus and His disciples/apostles also taught us to not speak evil of anyone. Nor to judge another man's servant. These principles alone should drive our concern for those trapped in these worldly affairs.
I admire this authors concern for our brothers and sisters conditions, however misguided they may be. I also share in his concerns, perhaps even for similar reasons. And in this I rejoice that the love of Christ is being spread. But I urge every Christian to examine themselves continually, (myself also) that we not find ourselves caught up in this Worlds affairs in a way that will distract us from that Kingdom mindset that will allow us that peace that surpasses all understanding with the love of Christ at the center of our hearts, minds, and souls.
The peace of God and of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all, Forever and Ever. Amen.